Rock, Paper, Scissors, Gamescom 2022


This is a demo game with hand tracking developed for Gamescom 2022.



Habtic is a healthy lifestyle app. Essentially a personal trainer and mentor for your mobile. Habtic features a number of coaches that were created by scanning and mocapping various persons.


This app is made with Unity. I created shaders for this app, including hair, skin, eyes, cloth, and shaders for the vfx and the environment of the coaches. The coaches are ment to look realistic, yet able to be rendered at good speeds on mobile devices.


I also created a procedural animation system that takes the moments of emphasis of speech clips and a database of animations and outputs which animations should be played at which time. The goal of this system is to make the movement of the coaches look natural and make sure the gestures match the speech. 



VFX for websites


Graphics created for the Dephion website based on concept art by the creative director.


The effect below was done by raymarching a signed distance field and rendering that to a render texture. This texture is sampled to display it on the inside of one of the petals of the Dephion logo using an orthographic texture projection to make sure the image doesn’t deform due to the curvature of the mesh. The petal moves side-to-side.



Procedural blob made with three.js/webgl.


It’s an icosahedron displaced in a vertex shader with noise and mathematical functions. Normals are recalculated to match the displacement. The blob is procedurally textured using barycentric coordinates and lit with three directional lights using basic Lambertian lighting. The procedural texture is manually filtered in the fragment shader to prevent excessive aliasing and shimmering. Bloom is applied as a postprocessing step.




March of War

Worked on porting the PC version of this title to mobile. The biggest problem was memory use, so various utilities were written by a coworker and myself to track where memory was being allocated.


  • Finding memory allocations with Unity Profiler
  • Writing custom tools for finding memory allocations
  • Added push notifications for iOS version
  • Added In-App purchases for iOS version
  • Added Rate This App screen for iOS version




Dark Matter

Most of the code written on this title was done by the game designer and myself. I focused on shaders, AI and gameplay systems. We had a very interesting system to simulate darkness that worked as a postprocessing effect. Everything started out black and various sources would then pierce the blackness, such as the flashlight of the main character, which was a texture that rotated along with the weapon and could be turned on and off. Lights used the alpha channel both for a bloom effect, but those also passed through the darkness. Areas such as hallways would have a texture of their own to indicate where they should be light and darker. 


  • Unity/C#
  • Behaviour tree system for AI monsters.
  • Tool to create trees and view behaviour in realtime.
  • AI for monsters/bosses
  • Shaders/post processing effects
  • Player controller
  • Weapon system
  • Serialization system
  • Inventory
  • UI




Application for visualising and validating buildings with integrated issue management. I wrote the program from scratch and was later joined by other programmers. The team grew to include 7 developers. I was responsible for the architecture of the software and wrote most of the rendering, scene management and raycasting code. I’m very proud of this application. It is one of the fastest and most robust ifc viewers in the building industry.


  • Windows/macOS
  • Visual Studio/XCode
  • C++, C#, Objective-C++, GLSL
  • OpenGL 2.1, 3.2
  • Clash detection using Minkowski portal refinement